Journeys day by day

By KathleenS


Had a very busy Friday, had to run up at lunch for a blood draw from the vampires (otherwise known as lab phlebotomists), and ran by a couple spots to check for the possibility of bird blipping. I work in a town where every back woodsy corner is inhabited by Steele Reserve drinking vagrants, to include the one that passed by me today just to go around the corner and watch me, then hide behind some bushes to have a pee. It makes it very hard to concentrate on what I'm doing. I did catch this little female house sparrow puffed up with her compatriots near another little pond. I was happy to see them as I'm noticing that working in a town center area, there are no houses with feeders attracting the seed foraging groups of smaller songbirds. I might have that here in this little spot.

Looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow morning full lunar eclipse, then perhaps a snowy owl, followed by backyard bird enhancement, and maybe zoo and zoo lights. Best get my beauty sleep started...

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