Morning View

Didn't sleep well.......
The bed at Bags (formally known as daughter) house is too short for me, her cats kept jumping on my head and running away (bastards) and her heating system sounds like a train.

However, the Cygnet slept right through (teeth and growing pains obviously kick in when Mum is at home).

The snow ...... yes - it is back ...... looked quite good through the bathroom window (wll I liked it).

Cleared the car, came back to our house, cleared the drive and parking space, went and got the paper, got really peed off with 4 wheel drive lunatic driving at 10mph on a wet not snow covered road, headed home and ironed shirt had shower tried to avoid the chaos that is the house with wimmin getting ready for a wedding.

Now about to grab a sandwich and head off to said wedding.

I hope the bride is happy with the damned snow ............... she ordered it.

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