Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Highs and Lows

Today is a day of high and lows.

Firstly, Congrats to Maggie D on her 500th Blip - her shots make me want to head straight to the Highlands (with Casper and Stanley obviously)

The second high was the photography course I did today with Sarah and Susi my Blip Girls :)

We all learnt a lot - it was quite basic but it was so useful and it seems to be sinking in so much better now! Between us we are all whizzes on shutter speed, aperture and depth of field now - watch this space! I cannot wait for the shots in Cornwall.....

There has been a bit of bad news for us today and although I dont want to put a dampner on the day I had with the girls I wanted to tell you all. I had a call from my brother as we were about to start the course, he has had to have his Old English Sheepdog put down. To hear my brother sobbing his heart out is something that I cannot bear.

Barclay reached a good age of 12 but his legs had simply given up on him so they had to make the hardest decision of having to have him put out of his pain. I am crying as I write this as all I can think of is my brother having to bury him this afternoon. He and his girlfriend are inconsolable - they know they had no other decision they could make but it doesn't make it any easier does it?

So, tonight, please all raise a glass for Barclay. Sleep tight RIP x x x

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