Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Walking with the Pups

We have had such a productive day today - food shopping, ironing, a fixed boiler all completed this morning!

This was taken on the dog walk this afternoon. The wood Casper is carrying is now on the fire crackling away. I am in the snug with a glass of Bailey wrapping Christmas presents and listening to music - can Sundays get any better!?

One of my good friends has just popped round and we did a light stream shot but I really preferred this one for today as it sums up the day a bit more. I am going to do another one in the week though now that I have the hang of it - yesterday's course really helped the information stick in a bit more.

A big joint of pork is roasting away in the oven and I have almost wrapped my last present. Mr G is watching the football so I have peace and quiet and my own music blaring away :)

Thanks so much for your kind words yesterday. My Bro popped round earlier and he is still in bits. I am hoping he and his girlfriend will come with us to Cornwall for Christmas - I think daily walks on the beach with us will do them the world of good.

Happy Sunday :)

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