As Dawn Breaks......

the air was still and reasonably warm. Our native swallows started to flutter around looking for their breakfast followed by gulls, herons and terns. It was all cloud to the west and up the coast, no mountains could be seen, my best option was to head east but not as far as the beach - the beach lies behind the row of pine trees to which I had no access to until 7am, way to late for the sunrise, this image was taken at 5.32am.

There were many choices today but in the end I really liked the sky in this one although I was disappointed with the black box which is a power box for this small town. The lake is man-made and is put to good use for dragon boat races and rowing events now the lakes in Christchurch have been damaged from the earthquakes, this is just a small portion of it.

I had the washing on the line by 7.30am and all ready to garden by 8am before the day got to hot, so I thought, but ended up gardening for the whole day and there is still more to be done hope the rain forcasted for the rest of this week doesn't arrive.

An easy night for tea - another bbq, hubby cooks which suits me just fine :)

Have a great week all :)

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