A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

I only went to get a bottle of vimto

...came back with two magazines (New scientist and BBC Focus), 6 pairs of socks, a jumper and a new pair of pyjamas.

I'm bored of being cold!

Tough today. Bad night's sleep again, headache which wouldn't shift, broken sleep, hot flush which resulted in my oversleeping this morning. Panic phone call to work - managed to get there by just after 9am, despite not leaving till 8.30!

Spent all of my non contact time marking coursework, half of my lunchtime and an hour after school when everyone else apart from 2 colleagues had gone - it was gloriously peaceful. I'm determined that I am not bringing any marking home at Christmas so I'm battering myself to get it done.

Negativity in parts as well. One individual who I just cannot break through to - a wall has gone up so quickly and I think they have pressed a self destruct button now they've built the wall. It worries me and frustrates me.

James saw his Dad tonight. First time in 7 months. James pointed this out to him. He also pointed out to him that he could afford to get him a particular Christmas present given that he spends his money on his two 'step' children. James and I had a long chat - he's pleased to have seen him and the contact is more frequent now, via text and phone, but James definitely appears to be adopting a "tell it like it is" approach and is giving his reasons for not doing things short shrift where appropriate. Adults should realise that the world moves, time passes, that all of our lives have some underlying complicating factors and that we are not the only ones with troubles...state your context by all means, don't use it as an excuse though because it will never garner the sympathy that you want.

Feeling crap tonight. Pain diary is indicating it's definitely cyclical. Am going to have an early night, so it's off for bath and then snuggle up in my new pjs with the silly fluffy stripey socks!


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