Smug boy

finishes school tomorrow.
Mummy is jealous and smug boy knows it, so is rubbing it in somewhat.
Not only does he finish tomorrow, but he finishes early.
I'll have the last laugh - there's no snacks in the cupboards for when he gets home.

Have been in a bad place this evening. Had to absent myself and go to lie down after I was irrationally angry with both of the menfolk of the house. No reason. Corin asked if I wanted something to eat. I didn't. I barked at him. James had forgotten (for the fourth day running) to hand a cheque in at school - I went ballistic. Then the smell of food cooking was making me feel sick so enough was enough.

Calmed down since. Have readied my car for frozen mornings - washer bottle full of anti-freeze screenwash. Washed headlights and rear lights. Checked tyres. All is well.

Have done all of the things I promised I would do for people - burning photos to CDs, printing photos out. Now I will rest and shortly go to sleep.

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