What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Fire in the Sky

This is what happens in Cambridge when the sun goes down behind clouds, the sky burns and it looks brilliant.

I've discovered the best time for Christmas shopping around here is on a Sunday afternoon (this close to Christmas especially) - went into Waterstones to finish off some shopping for my folks and there was no queue - then off to Fopp and the same situation.

Okay, I suppose the riots partially explains the lack of activity in Waterstones (harsh, but fair, I think) - but Fopp as well? Is internet shopping really that attractive these days? I do try and avoid the internet for purchasing (given my work it's sometimes obvious why...) but the main reason is you never see what you're buying - only when it comes through the door with the middle of the book hanging out do you see what they've actually decided to send you.

And the interaction - if I did my shopping online I'd never get out into town, never take the most roundabout route possible to do so and never end up with a Blip like this! I also like going into shops at Christmas because if you do and say thank you to the person behind the till - they smile! For once! I can only imagine the level of sheer-bloody-mindedness that keeps them sane for the rare folk who say thank you.

This post has turned into a bit of a rant. Ignore that, look at the picture. Grey bad, fire pretty.

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