December gold

Best viewed December gold large

After yet more shots of Elgar taken, I was despairing, no light, I can't go anywhere, as still caring for my mum who's taken a turn for the worst these last few days. My dad out doing last bits & pieces for Christmas... every photo I took was a blur, every time I had was cut short, nothing was going right, even trying to wrap presents, it was a nightmare, when suddenly, dragging my feet up the stairs, a strong light shone on my cheeks, the sun... I haven't seen it in days... I charged down the stairs, coat on, shoes on, camera... ran through the garden, noticing the sun disappearing behind a cloud & took just this shot... it wasn't framed, set up, it was spontaneous, the camera wasn't on any particular setting, I just took what I could, in that moment & it actually turned out ok...phew! Nice light though :) Hazel branches in the foreground, or what's left of the hazel hedge.

As for Larry:

Christmas presence

Oh for photography inspiration... help... but shortest day today, even the extra seconds to half a minutes each day can make a world of difference where light & time is concerned... oh for SPRING! Yet only just crept into Winter here... still a long time to go, alas! xxx

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