Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Run! Run! As fast as you can... can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!

Today we made gingerbread. Noah took his mixing and cutting out responsibilities very seriously. He really got stuck in with the cutters. H, who is very anal about such things, was horrified by the misshapen and deformed gingerbread shapes and had to be restrained from correcting them!

We now have a legion of disabled gingerbread men, squished hearts and crumpled stars. H will only eat his own, unsullied creations. He's a bit precious is H.

And while I remember here is a surreal conversation (one of many) I had with my boys today.

There was a bang on our patio window earlier.

Noah: Was that a firework?
Me: No. It was probably a bird.
Noah: Maybe a Pokemon?
Me: No, you don't get many Pokemon in the village.
Henry: You do in the Univer zone.
Me: Does our village have a Univer zone?
Henry: DUH...
Me: And where exactly might the Univer zone be?
Henry - in the voice he reserves for me when he can't quite believe how dense I'm being: Behind William's tree in his front garden.

Of course it is!

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