Whitney Museum--Entrance

We drove down again to NYC this morning. In the afternoon, we went first to the Whitney Museum of American Art--above all to see an exhibition on David Smith, one of my absolute favorite American sculptors. There were several other shows--most were at least interesting.

This is a view of the entrance to the museum, from the stairs from the 2nd to the ground floor. The building is a landmark by the architect Marcel Breuer--not everyone's favorite, but with the right installations it works (as today).

Then we walked just uptown to the Metropolitan Museum for the exhibition we'd really come to the city to see: The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini. It did not disappoint; in my view it's the Old Master exhibition of the decade (if not longer)--just superb, with paintings,sculptures, drawings and medals from Italy in the years 1430 to 1500.

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