A Guggenheim Spectacular

I went to the Guggenheim Museum this morning, to see Maurizio Cattelan: All. It more than outdid my expectations. Here it is Big.

Here is more, including a time-lapse video on the installation of the exhibition. It includes 128 works--nearly all that Cattelan has produced over the past 21 years, hung from the top of the huge circular atrium of the Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece (I hope he would be fascinated if he could see it).

The museum has suspended their normal rule forbidding photo above the ground floor, and I took well over 100 shots. It is totally impossible for a single image to fully capture the whole thing. This one is a panorama (with PS 5 Photomerge) merging two horizontal shots taken from the top level, and then much manipulated with the warp option in the transform tool.

Among the many objects, don't miss Hitler kneeling piously on the right.

A final note: My son Léonard (aka Len) has joined blipfoto; they are currently visiting Luciana's family in Brazil and his first blip shows six-month-old Ella with her cousin Stephania!

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