Goober Grab, Pluck & Drop

Sometimes oppurtunities float right past your nose. Work hard, apply yourself, and be ready. When an opportunity comes you can grab it.

Julie Andrews

Goober peas

Nelson was busy before Ruby could show up to drive him away from the peanut ring. He'd grab a peanut and then just drop straight down from the feeder in a big rush. It's a bright and very cold morning with Tufted Titmice and busy Downy Woodpeckers feeding and flitting about.

Here's a shot of ever vigilant Madame monitoring the location of Max in the loft last evening. She's tried every shelf, bookcase and high point with determination to find a new way up to the loft now that the cat flap to the stairs is blocked. Stymied again! He's sleeping peacefully in the chair by my worktable, warm and safe above the fray.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and crisp with a bright blue sky.

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