We've had a bit of rain

Slept late this morning; must have needed it. Drab, grey, wet and windy morning greeted me, and I chose to defer a run (eventually taken this evening). Slow start to being active in any way, although did knuckle down for a few hours of work around the middle of the day.

Late and leisurely lunch from the local deli; she does marvellous sandwiches with a great choice of breads. Read some more of Dancing in the Streets, by Barbara Ehrenreich. Fascinating to read about the place of dance (and collective joy) in ancient societies, and into more modern times. Have yet to get beyond the middles ages, I confess.

A late afternoon trip to get food for the visit tomorrow by Daughter C and her husband and boys. We get to keep the boys for the night so said parents can bring in the New Year. Perhaps with the collective joy of dancing? As I drove in to the centre of Warkworth, I noticed the great volume of water pouring over the weir below the road bridge to cascade down over the rocks into the tidal lower reaches of the Mahurangi River.

Posted my letter, and then went down by the river and got a number of pictures without actually falling into the water. (Not even close to doing so, to be honest.) Of the pictures I took, this was the favourite of S, as well as being mine.

A very long time ago, pre-parenthood, S and I drove through Warkworth when the main road North had to go through the town centre. When we crossed the old road bridge, now used only by pedestrians, we admired the rocks and the river, and said we thought we would like to come back some day. We have indeed come back, and Warkworth is our (sort of) market town.

In the last few days there has been a lot of heavy rain, and it runs from the hills into the Mahurangu River and out to the sea, through here. Normally, in late December this would be a quiet series of channels. Today, the water was flowing fast and furious.

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