Green Line

Eco mum, eco daughter, Juno and I headed back up Blackford Hill last night to watch the fireworks. Almost the same number of people on the hill as the blip meet.

Pretty good display of fireworks, pretty well behaved crowd, except the people who thought it was crucial to get their metal box on wheels as far up the hill as possible.

Could not sleep until eco son let us know he was ok, the horrendous shower at 12.45 am putting paid to outdoor activity so he was headeing to his pals.

Up early with Juno, fed her and heade dback up the hill armed with an Ikea bag to litter pick. Not bad this year, less alco pops and more posh booze and 2 hats and belt. All bottles, cans and cardboard recycled. Not many people around at 7.45am just a couple of dog walkers.

I had forgotten my house keys so had to wake eco mum, not happy so I headed out to the allotment. A bit of weeding and orchard planting, I was not the only one out at their plot.

Back home and eco son(zombie extra) turned up at 12.30 with a couple of pals, they departed and he has declined to be vertical since then.

The ladies wanted to chill so Juno and I headed out to stroll again.

We all chilling and just relaxing.

This is my garlic at the allotment, looking great hope it survives any snow and frost.

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