Damp Monday

Work tomorrow so suddenly the fact that I have a job to do has re-entered my consciousness, in the way that it tends to do.

i.e. at 4.30 in the morning.

I went on the bread run this morning but took a diversion to the bottom of Gloucester Road.

I always find this path interesting and it seems to have been untouched and unimproved since it was first laid 100 years ago or more.

The care taken to build stone walls and a cobbled path always amazes me.

We wouldn't bother now I don't suppose.

An afternoon getting myself back into work mode.

What am I actually teaching tomorrow and for the remainder of the week?

Am I prepared for the meeting we have after school tomorrow.

Wish the week away, don't wish the week away, live in the moment.....

Have a cup of tea. Replacement kettle now kaput.

At least the days are getting longer!

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