A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


In what is becoming an annual event, I headed over to Liverpool this afternoon to meet up with Peter and Anna, Rachel and Annie (and little Agu) for tea and mooching around town.

With typical planning, Peter had picked the coldest day of the holiday so far!

We went wandering looking for grafitti and such like and found some random things - the invisible man's shoes, the remains of an accident with a banana skin, a taxi firm named after my Grandad apparently and a piece of graffiti that says it all really.

Was a lovely afternoon and nice to see everyone again.

Feeling a bit yucky now - think the come-down from a busy holiday season has started to take hold. Chris and Faye went home this morning and this evening, the house seems very quiet - the cats also appear to be sulking over the absence of Faye.

I managed to set up the telescope this evening. Crystal clear skies. Came in for twenty minutes to warm up, get something to eat and a brew, whilst waiting for Orion to rise over the houses at the back of us. I fully intended to get the scope set up on the Orion nebula and use my new web cam attachment to image it. However, in that short space of time, the sky completely clouded over. I hate our weather! Of course, an hour after putting the scope away, the sky cleared again. Oh well, there'll be other nights.

Time for a hot bath and some painkillers as the pelvic pain is reasserting itself with some vigour. Am trying to stay positive...it's easier to do today after seeing the miraculous Annie just being so collected despite her significant health trials in 2011. Annie - you're amazing!

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