Sumo needs Salad

then she can become sylph like and not have a muffin top.

You can see that the Sumo boys were impressed with the mountain of salad, parmesan and a bit of bacon (all of the fat trimmed off). Lashings of balsamic vinegar caused a ten minute hot flush - it's kind of an allergic reaction, but I love balsamic vinegar so much that I will suffer the flush, just for the taste!

Not much to report. Slept far too late this morning. Got up, marked coursework all afternoon. A phone call from Nana. A visit from Dave and Rose, when the cats sniffed out a man who doesn't like cats, and so they went and sat on him.

8 more pieces of coursework left then the decks are clear for the new term. I intend to have a completely free day tomorrow to do what I choose with.

Have a good evening

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