Whatever the weather...

boys will be boys.

Spent a lovely afternoon with Peter and Anna, along with Mrs Pepperpot, Sollergirl and her boys. Oh, and of course, Joey the dog.

We were well fed and watered, and post lunch, to combat that "after Sunday lunch" feeling (I know it is Saturday), we went for a walk in the grey and murky drizzle. The rain, insidious and deceptive in it's ability to soak to the skin, did not stop the boys, chasing and rampaging around. I love that whenever they get together it's like it hasn't been weeks or months since they saw each other - they get on like a house on fire

The big thing for me though is that James was so absolutely and utterly besotted with Joey from almost the minute he met him. As long standing readers will know, James is utterly petrified of dogs. However, I have to say, Joey is the best thing since sliced bread as far as James is concerned - almost to the point where James stalked the poor dog wherever he went. It was so lovely to watch him be so comfortable and not at all fretful. In his honour, James drew a portrait and showed it to Joey - he seemed unmoved!

Sollergirl managed to get me to do some yoga/gymnastics - neck stands - I fear that my bottom might be blipped! She also made a special gift for a certain Mr Fisherking!

I need a little disco nap now...

Thank you guys for having us over - it was a lovely afternoon and a nice (almost) end to the holidays.


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