Serendipity moments

By MissSerendipity

Back to reality........

Well that's it, it's all over and we're all forced to get back to reality!!

Today was day 1 back on the diet as you can see, I also went to the gym and worked up quite a sweat (sorry if TMI!) and I have booked myself in to get the mop chopped tomorrow. So that's 3 things I promised myself done so it's looking good!

I have just received an email from the photography institute about their online diploma has anyone else done this or know of anyone who has done it? If so I'd really appreciate any feedback. As doing another photography course of some kind is also on my list.

Next on my list is attend a class or two at the gym as I usually shy away from these. I quite fancy starting with yoga or pilates!

Today I worked out to Otis Redding so I thought I'd share one of my favorites!

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