A time for everything

By turnx3

Sunset silhouette

Beginning to get back to normal today - Roger back to work and Laura back at Kindercare for three days, then she goes back to university on Sunday. It was a pretty-looking day today, with blue sky and sunshine but very cold again. I was up at church this morning for bible study - I had thought some of the older ladies may not come out because of the cold, but it was quite a decent turn-out. Although its always sad when the holidays are over and the kids are gone, it felt nice to begin to get back into the normal swing of things. I had a good chat with my friend E. to see how their Christmas had gone - they always host a lot of big family gatherings, so she's usually pretty tired by this time. Rest of the day was pretty routine.
Laura had her physical this morning for her Peace Corps application - she ended up being at the doctor's office a little over two hours in total - some of it waiting, some of it being "poked and prodded" and some waiting while one of the nurses chased up some of the blood tests which hadn't come in yet - she'd had to be tested for about nine things, then had two more shots this morning - I think she was feeling like a pin cushion! Anyway, the end result was she seems to be very healthy. Next step the dentist on Thursday! The further she progresses in the application, the more real it becomes and the thought of her being gone to some far off country for two years really gets me depressed - I'll miss her so much - it was bad enough when she was in Belize for two months. She may be 21 going on 22, but she's still my "baby"!
I was a bit too late getting this shot - I saw the sun setting from the bathroom window when I was upstairs, and just in the time it took me to get downstairs, find the camera and the memory chip and get outside, the sun had dipped below the horizon and the glow had faded - but its all I got today, so it'll have to do!

One year ago: Courtyard

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