
By Saffi

Blue and White

I have a weakness for jugs and blue and white are a favourite. The spotty one at the back was made in Poland and bought in a sale in Sherborne. The small jug with an Eidelweiss is from Gruyere in Switzerland when N and I visited in 1985. We were staying with friends in Nyon on the edge of Lac Leman. M was working at CERN at the time and took us down into the bowels of the earth to visit the atom crushing tunnel. The dish in front although looking black is dark navy blue. This was a gift from eastern Germany from N's uncle and aunt. All three stay in the cupboard and come out occasionally like most other accumulated superfluous objects! But each has its story to tell and one becomes attached.

Another stormy day. A large tree blew down across the road to town. Good excuse for not going to the supermarket!

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