Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I put on a pink-ish sweater today, which got me to thinking about pink..well, you know how one thing leads to another, right? So, next thing you know, I see Rocket yawning and I think to myself "Pink." So, I staged myself the proper distance away and waited for him to yawn again - because you know that yawns always come in sets. And I waited. And waited. And waited some more. The minute I put the camera down, another yawn. Of course.

Well, I was finally able to get the boy to yawn at the right time and then I thought, hm, maybe I should crop it so that just his tongue shows? So, people, that is what happens when you wake up thinking about pink. Next thing you know, you're blipping your cat's tongue.


Happy Friday from the wilds of New Jersey...

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