michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Royal Couple

Prince Lawrence and Princess Lorrina made another appearance today. You can tell by the way they amble and sashay around...that they know they are bigger and prettier than those around them. It's a poor example...but...kind of like Arnold and Maria. (I would try to spell his last name...but it isn't worth the time to look up.)

January 6th, and it was 55 and sunny here today. Everybody is happy except for the ice-fishermen, the snowmobilers, and the skiers. I saw an older woman come into the store with no jacket on, and I saw 2 young female joggers in shorts and T-shirts. Unheard of for this time of year.

I always like the swan shots where they have a nice dribble of water coming out of their mouths. I think it brings them down a notch or two. I think the other waterfowl chuckle a bit when they see it. I had one shot where the female had a huge drool roll and the male had just a few hanging drops...but didn't want to be called sexist. This is closer to the truth with the male being the messier eater.

I had a fingernail issue for the last few days. Went to the doctor today, and had the freeze spray and the exacto knife. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch. A few hot soaks, and it should be back to normal. You never know how much you use a sore finger until you bang it around 25-30 times a day.

Have a great week-end.

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