Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Day 7 - Fruit

As I have said many times I am sure the 30 Day Challenge will result in an accident - today's Blip could have been that day.

Picture the scene....last night I looked out of the bedroom window and realised the rotting fruit on the garage roof would be perfect for today's challenge. Now, I should have asked Si to gt the ladders out ready, but......well that would be too easy. Cue me climbing on the bin onto the rickety fence and clamber up commando style crawling across the roof - that was the easy part.............the getting down was slightly more precarious and I thought I was sure to break an ankle :) But, I didn't....phewwwwww

Today's pamper was divine, I really relaxed well. Still not sleeping well as I keep waking up thinking of work that I have to do.....A Nanny nap may be in order this afternoon. Me and mum will take the dogs a big walk shortly and then it is feet up with my book (I am still trying to get through The Kite Runner, determined to finish it this weekend). Saturday means a takeaway and a big chill out.

We are off to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo tomorrow - anybody seen it yet???

Good Luck to Tamworth who are up against Everton today in the FA Cup 3rd round - there were 52 coaches leaving for Liverpool today not to mention all the people I saw at the train station - Come on The Lambs :)

Tomorrows challenge - A Bad Habit :)

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