A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

The Rat Race

Spent up until lunchtime thinking this was Friday, so as a result, had a bit of a rush on to do all that had to be done today.Scrambled to Darlington with hubby to get various bits and bobs we needed . Ended up with a visit to the pet superstore to purchase canisters of pacifier spray.We have a problem in that when anyone comes to the door ,the dogs go BERSERK.
On entering the store, it seemed as if there had been a population explosion( of people AND dogs) and it had all started in that very store and at that very point in time!!People were allowing their pets to select and try out soft toys,kids were poking sticky fingers in cages,parents were screaming at their offspring,families were chatting and oblivious to the fact that they were blocking aisles---in other words they were generally making complete nuisances of themselves.Remember, this is the woman who spends her life singing the praises of pet owners writing this.
Tried to have a quick peep at some of the residents .First stop, the run with some lovely fluffy, lop eared bunnies.I thought I heard Bugsy say"What's up doc?Don't take life to seriously.You'll never get out alive!" Round the corner, some tropical fish tanks. I tell you, if today were a fish, I'd throw it back.The guinea pigs might have been tempted to scratch out a message in their sawdust saying"We're all of us guinea pigs in the laboratory of God. Humanity is just a work in progress." What progress? Like the chameleons in the tanks on the next aisle, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us so - - - - time to GET OUT! On seeing ROLAND scrabbling and scurrying around in his cage, I felt like hanging a notice around his neck saying 'Welcome to the Rat Race! Maybe the purchased sprays would have been put to better use on the pet owners rather than our pets!! MADNESS PREVAILED.

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