
By Barking

Fountain watching

I learned how to apply make-up today. I've had the same colours and pots since I was in my early 20s and thought I should figure out how to wear make-up like a grown up.

I went down to the Botanic Gardens for a stroll afterwards and took lots of photos. This couple didn't even notice me standing behind them clicking away and posed beautifully.

On my way back to the car, I witnessed an accident. A woman got knocked off her motorbike by a guy in a 4x4. Someone got her to the side of the road and I dragged the bike. Then I called the ambo service and waited until they came. The guy who'd knocked her off the bike was a mess and I had to calm him down too. The ambo men came and took over and I went to my podiatrist appointment.

I was pretty shaken but at the end of the day, she had all her limbs and her back and head were fine. She'll be a bit sore but I think she'll be okay.

An eventful end to a relaxing day.

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