4/31 Green

Woke up this morning thinking about "green". It's day 4 of the challenge and I'm already obsessed. Not enough to remember the camera when we finally made it out of the door to start our busy day though! Ah well. Made it to tots for the last half an hour or so, then it was a mile's walk (or ride, for Ben) to Hayley's, where I discovered my insulin never made it into my day bag. Never mind. I figured I was doing enough walking (and nursing) to cope with a sandwich. Left a tired but giggling Ben there and headed off to the bus stop to get to the MILK! drop-in I wanted to go to, and had a lovely time! Will be taking Ben next week - could be quite interesting to see first time breastfeeders' reactions if Ben wants a booby cuddle while we're there... which is almost a given really.....

Home again, and while I was feeding Charley I started thinking "green" again. Adele Enersen did some incredibly beautiful photo artwork things when her little girl would nap, and I've been inspired to try and be a bit creative. Green is the theme, and as I'm writing the journal entry before setting up the shot, I'm curious to see how it turns out! I have been round and dug out lots of bits and pieces, so all I need now is for Charley to fall asleep again :)

*pause as a non-sleeping Charley becomes a model briefly*

Well that was fun! I should do that more often when Ben's out :D He's probably on his way home now so I'd better clear everything away...

Oh yes, the reason for the MILK! drop-in. I've been wondering if Charley has a mild tongue tie. I've been reading about TT for a couple of weeks now and have been getting more and more convinced - so when Charley fell asleep at the group, catching flies with his tongue in the air, the health visitor (who remembered me from our first HV home visit!) had a look and confirmed my suspicions. So I'm to give a particular clinic a call and make an appointment to see the infant feeding co-ordinator at the hospital, and take it from there. I've been told it should be ok to take Ben as well, I'd like to know if his tongue tie (I'm convinced he had/has mild TT as well, his and Charley's feeding habits are almost identical) is still potentially enough to cause problems.

Oh and I've been persuaded to do the training to become a Peer Supporter... just need to contact the Chief Midwife or whatever she is called and find out when it is, and when the 12 week course starts!

I need to note down something from last night, while I remember. Ben woke before midnight and called out for me, I was nursing Charley at the time so I called up to him that I was downstairs. Steve went up, was told to lie down next to Ben, so they had a quick cuddle and then Steve came back down to get his drink etc having promised to go back up shortly. He went back up and I got a text saying "I wanna go sleep daddy" and they lay down facing each other in bed and both fell asleep :) This is how I found them when I came up not long after! Think that's the first time Ben's re-settled for his dad, knowing I was in the house :D

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