Journey Through Time

By Sue

Well, Hello!

The best laid plans can go awry. I went up to the little botanical gardens today and played a bit with my tripod and such. The usual backyard birds were feeding at their feeders and I did get a cute one of a chickadee. The shot I wanted just didn't work because these lovely grosbeaks were high up in a tree and the angle, the light, the zen of the moment was not working. Then they took off and left me high and dry. The nerve. So, next stop was Winco, a grocery store and after I parked the car, there were two dogs looking at me. They were sitting apart, so didn't get them together. I chose this for today.

Bill is going out to the Blazer basketball game and son gets home later, so I am on my own for din-din. I need to go to another store to look at their salmon, and then I think I'll indulge in something not home made for my evening meal. Oh joy!, and I don't mean that sarcastically, either!

Plans, currently, are for the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge tomorrow. Woo hoo! Well, I know I'll see a goose and a duck, but after that...who knows.

Have a good day Blippers, see ya later.

Chickadee Here is the chickadee photo.

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