The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

First sunset....

....of 2012. The best colours always seem to be after the sun drops below the horizon. It was good fortune that the tide was just ebbing, and the bay at Arnside was still full of mirrored water. There wasn't the flaming red sky of yesterday that I missed in my office confinement, but the yellowy oranges were good compensation.

Today I saw the sun rise and the sun set, the first time this year. A glorious, blue sky day of long shadows where the frost lay all day long. I walked up to the top of Arnside Knott to see the morning sky, and I had one of those "I am not alone" moments when I discovered a tripod wielding photographer planted to the spot I was heading for. So I've decided to ignore the morning photos and plump for the afternoon instead.

It is one of the odd things about blipping that on the bounteous days when there are tens of potential blips, we are constrained to choosing just the one. And such is the momentum of the daily blipping ritual, that there is simply never time to go back and review the good ones and jettison the bad. One of the reasons why I wanted to have blip-free days was to buy the time for sorting out the burgeoning back catalogue, though the task of going through 18 months worth of potential blip fodder is elephantine, and I'll probably end up just having nights off from sitting in front of this blipping computer. Does anyone else have this problem?

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