Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Winter has finally arrived

07.45 and minus 4 degrees, it was cold but beautiful and I only saw one person the whole run. Slightly sore from circuits yesterday, hoping my body will get used to silly things like that again quite quickly as I did enjoy it, but don't want the soreness to be detrimental to my runs.

By 9am Daddy was dispatched with Carys to Nanna's, William and I were playing games. By 09.35, William and Daddy had been dispatched to the creche and gym respectively and I was doing housework. :-( But by 11.35am Daddy, William and I were on the way to meet Nanna, Poppa and Carys at Pizza Express for a delayed birthday meal. Lovely. Everyone back to ours for a quick play before N&P headed home and we took small people out on their bikes.

Kids in bed by 6pm. what a lovely Saturday.

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