Red Flash

By RedFlash

Count to Ten

I'm just home from choir and I wanted to load my blip but my hubby, who has been in all evening was on the PC looking at phones, so I had to wait.

1, 2

The day didn't start very well as some b*****d had stolen some cables from the line, so all the trains were delayed

3, 4

When I got to Waterloo the Waterloo and City line wasn't running, so I couldn't make up time by catching it. So I walked as usual

5, 6

I took several photos. None of them made me smile

7, 8

And then I saw this. Why hadn't I seen it before? It is in Smithfield Meat Market. You've been here with me before (Smithfield Clock) but maybe you didn't know me then

9, 10

Much calmer now

What do you call a collection of telephone boxes?

Footnote: Milo seems OK but he still had chicken and rice for tea. Thank you for his well wishes

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