Friday Foto

By drmackem


Not a good day for me, took a sickie which I hate doing. Sparing you the details, suffice to say I think some prawns last night did for me. Over the worst now and expect to be back at it tomorrow.

So one of my emergency indoor blips needed.

A good friend from Uni days had a daughter who sadly died aged 6 some years ago. A month before she died they wanted a family holiday and asked if they could use our house while we were going away on holiday - we were of course delighted to be able to oblige. They came the night before we left and we were all completely wowed by Laura, who despite the rigours of 2 or more years of chemo and surgery and disease was most full of life person we've ever met. We didn't really twig that this would be the last time we saw her.
Whilst away we saw this picture, which immediately evoked a strong memory of Laura for us and decided to buy it.

It hangs on the wall in our kitchen, not as a memory of someone who died, but of someone who knew how to live.

Carpe Diem

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