Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Surprised to see this this afternoon as it was a grim morning. Hammering down at school time and then I took some shots of the black (and I mean black) gathering clouds before we headed to 'knees tap tap', otherwise known as Music Train.

From there we headed to swimming and then home. We were sticking large amounts of tissue paper onto a picture of a fish when Daddy pointed out the rainbow. Well done Daddy.

Daddy looked after Will while I went to get Carys and then Will decided he wasn't happy/well. He had been poking at his ear since swimming, water I thought, but a screaming fit later and a hot little boy meant a trip to the GP. Ear infection diagnosed. script for AB's given, my choice to use or not. Will see what brufen and paracetamol do first, but with the weekend looming thought it was safer to have the fall back position.

Will fell asleep in the car on the way to the GP's, very unusual. Hoping that that will mean he will sleep and not be too disturbed by his ear. Bless.

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