Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Most of the day went on listening to a wide range of music on my new loudspeakers. That all took a good while, and during it I increasingly felt the need for a bit of a walk, though the increasing cloud cover and strange premature darkness made it less and less of an inviting prospect.

Still, I did need to point the camera at something at some stage, so I finally got my act together and made my way to Marino and around some of its confusing crescents. Thankfully, occasional glimpses of the church on Griffith Avenue helped me get my bearings and find my way back to civilisation. It was at one of the crescents that I came across this club house (I think it is) and rather took a fancy to this colourful tagging on its rear wall. I'm not by any means a fan of tagging and graffiti, but this was nice and bright and colourful and livened up a dull and dreary day outside.

More colourful

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