Sun worshipper

I didn't think that we would see any sun this morning, when the rain started to pour.

We even put the heatpump on for a while; it was that cold.

Then the sunshine started to pour through the lounge window. Cousteau and Pio made the most of their brief window of opportunity.

Soon after this shot, the heavens opened again, closely followed my hail and thunder and lightening. The boys were less impressed with that, but weren't too freaked out. Bosco wasn't so sure ...

Anyway, more photo processing tonight and trying to pick out which photos will go in which frames, and which sizes they will be for my 'thing' on Friday. It's coming together slowly.

Oh, and my new flatmate, PJ, moved in tonight. It's weird to think that I'll be living with someone I don't even know. She seems very nice though.


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