Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Peaceful Pebbles!

Just curled up on the sofa, having a snooze, and she didn't even notice me approach with the camera! Nearly 20 years old, the top cat of the household, and exceedingly happy with her lot - especially if she can have the pick of the sofas!

Odd sort of day today. It started normally enough for a Sunday - lie in, pancakes, that sort of thing. Then the Wonderspouse departed early afternoon. He's gone to Manchester where he's doing some work during the day tomorrow and a reading gig tomorrow evening.

I'm therefore at home "alone" (or what passes for "alone" round here)!

After he'd gone I did some work on the rat cage (our bedroom is now full of rat paraphernalia and power tools), sorted the giant washing pile into "loads", and then had a play with the rat men before letting the younger cats in for supper!

So now I've checked the hamster food (Laura's conveniently storing hers in her plastic tube at the moment, so it's easy to see what's left), given the ratties new food, and fed the cats. Just me left to feed.

The Wonderspouse called to say he's arrived safely.

I shall now go and try to remember how the cooker works and where we keep the saucepans so that I can cook the pasta I got in Sainsbury's this afternoon. I shall also search the fridge to see if there's anything nice to drink, and then it'll be bathtime and bedtime, since I'm actually too tired to stay up and party, and I want to get lots of work done tomorrow (one of the reasons I've stayed at home is to get rested and to get lots of work done).

I'm still being a bit hopeless with the commenting at the moment. Doing so many things in life that by the time I get to blip uploading I'm a bit run out of steam. Once life gets back into some kind of regular routine and I'm caught up on all the jobs and housework, I'll be a bit better at it I hope.

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