Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Personality In The Desert

I took a short walk in the West Desert Preserve this afternoon and ran across this tree. I thought it had character.

excellent large

I like trees with character. Gnarly branches and all that. I think it a sign of an interesting life. Symmetry is nice in a lot of things. Some trees, too, but I really fancy these.

I think this is a Mesquite tree. But then again, I think every tree I see in the desert is a Mesquite tree. I'm sure there are other species but I'm not much of a treeolobotanist. I know the ones with the green bark aren't...and if I heard the name, I'd recognize it.

Oh, well. Thought you might enjoy the desert tree with it's own personality. It's sturdy and hardy. It's gnarly, man!

PS Those are cholla cactus surrounding it at the base. Those are gnarly, too!

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