an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Scotland The World Over painful

I took part in Scotland The World Over! and I am not sure I should have done.

I had this idea the other day for a final effort at the world over using the Spinaker Tower and a model with a lollypop. So since then when at home during the daylight hours I have been keeping an eye on the grey skies waiting for some blue. Yesterday there was a chance but little people sleeping was the priority.

Today started well with the skies looking fairly clear but by the time we were up, ready and in a position to get out the skies were not good and once again we were nearing Boy sleep requirements. So I decided to take hime for a walk to help him nap in the hope that a blue sky window for blip would appear later on, but my luck did not seem in.

As we wandered through a small park we spotted a small cat seemingly stuck in a tree. I consulted Boy who thought I should help it down, so I did. It actually came down towards us with ease and then legged it of with freedom in it legs. Just as I was feeling good and thinking maybe my luck was changing I realised that my shoes seemed a bit higher than normal.

It was then I found out that the park we were in is now pretty much a dog toilet and that both my shoes were now caked in turd. I tried to find some grass to clean them on but the blades of grass were simply outnumbered by the brown stuff.

Usually I am pleased to wear my lovely Merrell shoes with their sturdy grip but its times like these I would rather be in someting with less tred on them. So I hot (turd) footed it to the cemetery to use the tap and grassy facilities. I think Boy really enjoyed my new dance of you turn the tap on hard, put right foot under it and then the left and then you slide around on the grass and pick with a stick. Well he was smiling anyway.

Anyway later, with slightly soiled and damp shoes we tried the shot as planned for a last attempt at "the world over" though the skies were grey and time meant I kind of got it all a bit wrong. As it was all I took today and it is the best I will probably get I have had a play with the image to the slightly poor attempt here. Hopefully it just about makes the brief, though I am not bery confident. It came at a cost of a few debates this weekend, a fair amount of swearing at the laptop and a couple of lollies (one for each little one).

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