
By strawhouse

Deconstructed Mouse

Miss E did this a couple of weeks ago and I've been meaning to Blip it for ages.
She drew all the shapes for me to cut out but then insisted I leave her to assemble her masterpiece.
I think it displays a certain Picasso-esque je ne sais quoi!!!!
We had a busy day today - a trip to the park with the kids turned into a very exciting nosey round the showhomes of one of the new MK developments. Talk about house envy!!! Bedrooms galore, studies, en suites behind every door, utility rooms.... So lovely! We have no intention of moving there and yet we still found ourselves planning where our things would go and where our visitors would park!!!
Then it was a rush to get to another school friend's party. Miss E triumphed in the Musical Statues and made us very proud!!!
Now I am worn out and I can forsee an evening slumped in front of Countryfile, Call the Midwife and Birdsong

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