
By strawhouse

Anna the Robot

I had such a fantastic start to the day. I woke up at 8am with Miss E cuddling up to me in bed. As soon as I opened my eyes she said - with the joy and unbridled enthusiasm of a three year old - "Mummy, I had the most fablious dream!!!!" She tried to explain it to me but got a bit tied up talking about the rabbits and she was the king and she had sixteen kids and there were rabbits.....
After breakfast she asked could she make a robot? I said she could but that I couldn't help as I had to do the washing up. I gave her the glue and the box of stuff-we-keep-in-case-it-comes-in-useful and, all by herself, she produced Anna. It's so sweet it made me want to cry!!!!
She's taken it to bed with her so we'll have to see if it survives.
The rest of the day was lovely too. Swimming was amazing - Miss E did two widths all by herself with no help at all. She's cracked it!!!
And a great soft play afternoon with friends. Fab!!

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