White Stuff

This is the only photo I took today! Out of my car window on the way to school!
I was waiting for the promised sun to materialise and get some sparkly snow shots later on. But it never arrived.
This really doesn't do the lovely view justice. I'll try again!
I have had zero energy today. Mr K was away last night (did I mention his abject failure to plan enough in advance to take me away for the night to a lovely Woodstock hotel?!) and I never sleep that well when he's not in the house.
I get the heebie jeebies and can literally hear the axe wielding maniacs creeping round outside.
I'm OK as long as there are lights on, the kids don't make weird noises or, God forbid, shout out in their sleep, and the TV is on.
I finally dropped off just before 2am - having watched, among other things, programmes about ridiculously fat people and people who have seventy five million children.
Well only sixteen but goodness me I could feel my blood pressure rising just watching!
Also I was slightly in awe and jealous that the parents seemed to love it and cope amazingly. It made me feel slightly inadequate that I often struggle with just two.....
The littlest one of whom came trotting in at 6.30am. Marvelous.
So it was a lazy day for me and Miss L. Much of it spent snuggled under a quilt on the sofa watching Disney DVDs.
Pilates tonight? I think not.

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