Winter Warmer

There's a funny story about this soup. Well it won't sound funny to anyone else but it makes me and Mrs G chuckle.
A couple of years ago we were visiting her up in Leeds and she gave us the most delicious butternut squash soup made with coconut milk and chilli. I wrote down the recipe because it was so yummy and so easy.
Last year on Facebook I read a post of hers telling someone about the incredible butternut squash soup that her friend Miss J (as I was at the time!) had made and giving the recipe.
She's convinced it's my recipe and apparently has a piece of paper with the recipe on written by me!
There, it doesn't sound funny at all but it's become a standing joke between us.
As has the fact that I missed her wedding because I got the dates muddled up but I won't get into that......
Anyway, today I made the soup for the first time ever and it was scrummy!
After lunch Mrs C and I took Miss L and Mr R to a Tumble Tots class. It was brilliant! Loads of equipment for climbing and balancing mixed in with a bit of hoop and crash mat action. Miss L loved it!!
I always feel guilty that I do so little with her compared to Miss E so I'm pleased to have found this.
Mr K's out tonight for work. At a lovely hotel in Woodstock. He didn't think to mention it until yesterday when it was too late to ask my dad to come and stay here with the Little Misses so I could join him for a sneaky free night away.

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