Girl in a Box with a Banana in Her Mouth

A lovely Miss L day today.
She woke up at about 6am desperate for breakfast. Fair enough really as she went to sleep at 4pm with no dinner!
After eating two bowls of cocoa pops and a slice of peanut butter on toast she got out her box of play food, plates, kettle etc and laid out a picnic blanket in the living room.
We had a stupendous picnic with all sorts of weird and wonderful combinations. And lots and lots of tea!
It was lovely.
And her toy rabbit enjoyed his lettuce and chocolate biscuits.
We met Mrs L (my lovely sister-in-law and friend!!) and Cousin T in the play centre in Buckingham. A few nice hours of chatting, drinking tea, lunching and watching our mad children run around. All good fun!
Then it was home for a brief aubergine and sweetcorn toasted sandwich (with asparagus and baked beans) before heading out to swimming.
It's the first time I've seen her in her new class and it was brilliant. She's like a little fish!
Then it was home for dinner with a lovely Miss E who was making up for yesterdays hideousness by being ridiculously sweet. And earnestly practicing her part in her class assembly in a few weeks. Lovely.
They're alright the Little Misses.

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