It's Rubbish!

This is not my best ever Blip. In fact it may be one of my worst!!
When I got in the car this morning I discovered that my camera had been sat on the front seat all night and was icy cold.
I wanted to check that it hadn't died a frozen death so when I went to Tescos after dropping the Little Misses off I took a quick picture out of my window. Of a baby wipe which was caught in the trees.
I can feel a new series coming on: photos out of my car window!!
Nothing much else to report today. I spent most of the day sorting out Miss E's room. I haven't done it properly for ages and it was absolute chaos. All their toys were muddled up, the drawers were all rammed full of all sorts of crap, the cuddly toys appear to have been breeding, the books were strewn everywhere......
All is now in order and she's under strict instructions to keep it that way.
Although they're both in there now for their sleepover and I can hear mess being made!!

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