Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Land Ho!

Hoist the mainsail, shiver me timbers, heave ho me hearties and man the poop deck - aye aye sir. I try not to post the same thing twice but I couldn't resist another shot of the James Craig. It had gone out on a sail and here it is coming back into the harbour. Behind it are the sands of Stockton Bight Bite. (It really is a bite because it is a breeding ground of Great White Sharks). By the time this shot was taken quite a few of the sails had been taken down or whatever the nautical term for that is. It was amazing in full sail but too far out to get a good shot.

It was all happening in the harbour today. I saw a fantastic aerobatic team, the FA18 hornets have done a few fly bys, boy are they noisy, Nobbys is open for public as is Fort Scratchley. Fortunately I missed the firing of the guns. Despite the gloomy weather, there was a huge turn out of people. I am enclosing a link to some people I saw heading off to the beach on the way home. I can assure you that this get out is de rigeur on 'Stralia day and I have my own t shirt and shoes with Aussie flag tat to match. Happy 'Stralia Day!

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