stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

BEB ~ Test Shot #1

I'm so sorry everyone. Thanks so much for all your comments on yesterday's blip, unfortunately the big plan to catch up went up in smoke when my body decided to fall asleep on the sofa instead. Think the excitement of the day caught up with me!

Anyway, in spite of me saying I didn't want my first shot with the new lens to be a night shot, tonight's blip is my first shot with the new lens... at night! Nothing exciting, just the tree outside the flat.

The reason for the change of heart is the fact that my weekend plans to take it out and about were thwarted by my insurance company whose system was down when I phoned to add the lens as a specified item to my personal contents clause. Grrrrr... they might still phone tomorrow but I'm not going to hold my breath. I can't possibly take the chance of taking it out and about without the cover soooo, since the next time I'll be able to get out with it in daylight will be next weekend, I needed to take some shots to make sure it was ok. I'm not sure if you'll really be able to tell from this image, but I can tell you the quality is amazing. In editing, I could normally go to 100% magnification and still get a reasonable image displayed on the screen. With the images from this lens, at 200% magnification there as hardly a flaw visible.

Happy Days! :- )

I've also got a wee update on my Southern Electric rant from last Thursday. This actually happened on Wednesday, but I didn't want to mention it with my Haggis blip. Hahaha, that blip almost didn't happen as a result of this.

I got home to find a folded sheet behind the door. When I opened it I discovered it was an Access Notice allowing me three days to pay my arrears or else they would return with a pre-payment meter. Without access at that point they would apply to the Justice of the Peace for a Warrant. Well, this just set me off and I went straight for the phone. When I phoned Jim and explained everything that had happened previously he couldn't believe it. None of that information was provided to him in my file. Hahahaha, I have a file and I'm not even a customer! He apologised for leaving the letter and assured me that there was no chance of him returning and he'd be getting back in touch with his boss to find out what was going on. He also suggested I got back in touch with collection services.

So off I went again. When I explained my story again to Stephen he said he could see the exact details as I was telling him on their system notes. He was off and on a few times during the 45 minute call (just as well it was the free phone number) as he tried to clarify with various superiors what actions were required. This wasn't as easy as it sounds because neither he nor any of his supervisors had seen this kind of mess before. Well, long story short, they concluded that the information had been passed to the investigation team who returned it to collections without completing any investigation. They also finally concluded their meter reference associated with the account in arrears was in fact a dead meter and there should be no open account against it. Well shock horror!

Anyhoo, many apologies later, Stephen told me that it would take them up to two weeks to get things sorted and he would phone me back on or before that time. He did however, leave me with a smile on my face as he went through their post-call survey questions. At least he had the decency to apologise and admit he knew what my answer would be. The question he left me with, other than another apology was...

"You aren't currently a customer with us. Are you happy with your current supplier? Would you consider changing your supply to us?"

Hahahahahahahahaha... I declined the offer!

It's getting late again so I can't promise to get round to everyone again tonight, but I'll be hard at it over the weekend to get it done! Have a great weekend all!

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