Bad weather

We had bad weather again today, but some hungry birds still came to the "bird buffet", i.e. the handful of seeds I put out on the bench. This little lady was one of several downy woodpeckers. There was also a red-bellied woodpecker that wouldn't come quite close enough for a photo opp; lots of cardinals, both male and female; quite a few chickadees, and a tufted titmouse or two. Two bucks with large racks and five does also happened along looking for a handout. They didn't get one, but the birds did. It is such fun to watch them.

Tonight we went out for pizza with our friends and then browsed the shelves at Barnes and Noble bookstore. I came home with Scott Kelby's book on Lightroom 3. I am having a fine time learning that program, and this book should help. I see that Elizabeth George has a new book out featuring Inspector Lynley. I think I will download that one to my Nook. The hardback copy has over 600 pages! Too heavy to hold while reading in bed!

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