I am a bird

Ellen has a wee bit of a scabby nose. The result, we think, of some rather over-enthusiastic picking and now the scab is itself the target of the picking. I can't criticise. I find scabs pretty irresistible for picking at. Anyway, this is intended to be the nose equivalent of those cones they put round dogs' necks to stop them scratching. It's proving pretty effective as both a distraction and a barrier although it's having the downside that everyone is now expected to speak in "bird language".

Mandy's just gone off to get Ewan from Cub Camp so we're expecting a bit of a zombie to come back but the contingency plans are in place: children in front of a film (Rango) with popcorn while we crack on with some work that needs done.

If it weren't for the work I'd be in the garage fixing cleaned up brakes onto my Pompino frame. Once it has brakes it'll be ready to try out on the road.

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