With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


After chatting til the early hours, Captain Mike made himself comfortable on the sofa infront of the fire for the night. He was up and off at 8am to pick up the engineer from the boat survey he was carrying out the last few days in Palma and then to the airport. A flying visit, and so funny but so cool how someone can just walk through the door for a few hours all the way from wildest West Wales.

Homework had to be tackled and Ben had to overcome the bug he and his tonsils have been fighting. He was in a real blue funk until we got up into the mountains and had a little walk up the road from the Mirador. The road was closed from there upwards, not, I think, for the snow that had fallen on the peaks, but due to a blockage on the road. We were passed by various bits of heavy equipment. I hope it hasn't been too big a landslide.

We had a good view of the town, the coll behind and the snowline, even if we couldn't get that high.

All cobwebs and bad humour expelled, we treated ourselves to a bit of lunch and are now snuggled infront of the fire. I am going to have a siesta. Roasty toasty.

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